*112 - Quarter-Life Crisis?

What is it? Is a term tat derive from Mid-Life crisis that defines a stage where many men are plagued by feelings that their life has no meaning or that their physical and mental powers are spent.

So why Quarter-life? Im just in my 20s. Not even my mid-life yet =.=

The crisis somewhat pertaining to a financial crisis and also ur lifetime career. Am i late for the boat? Is it a good choice tat i picked STPM and local U to be my path last time? My frens are starting to earn their 1st million but seems like im still stuck with this biomedic course. What can i do after i graduate?

I understand that many biomedic students feel uncertain on their future. And yes im one of them. I dont want my next 30 years driving early to the lab, do tat few routine test. I want more out of life... So what am i missing here?

Anyway, im now suppose to be in the transitional stage to step in the grown-up world. And as wat dmbosstone.com describe, it's a so happy youth life :D

Quote: "You may have a 9-5 job but you still play hard on the weekends. You may start having more happy-hours and dinner nights with your friends, but you are still tailgating at concerts and tearing up bar crawls downtown. You may have fond memories of living in a dorm but you are more than happy to be paying rent in house where there’s no RA to stop you from lighting candles and drinking beer.

You may no longer have awkward stories about your roommate walking in on you having sex- but now (if you are lucky) you no longer have awkward stories about your roommate walking in on you having sex.

And hopefully sex isn’t that awkward anymore." XD

Arrggh! I should start something now and live my life!

More Readings: Mid-Life Crisis, Thoughts On A Quarterlife Crisis, Midlife crisis @ 24 or perhaps Quarterlife crisis?

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