*111 - What's Right and What's Wrong?

So... how u define "Right" and "Wrong"?

Does RIGHT means those that most ppl are able to accept? Like a norm? Or its RIGHT if it feels right to you?

There's always hard decision to make every now and then... And the worst decision involves relationship... involves people... involves emotions...

Just got back from my dinner and i heard some news on the college official stuff... Merit is like money in college... and everyone is fighting for it to secure their stay in college... As an ex-MTM member... I personally think tat the conflict needs tolerance n understanding from every party...

For a scenario example, the meeting starts at 9pm, and the meeting will be given merit of 2 points... Conflict arise when there are students came after the meeting dismissed... Frankly, wat i practiced was... i still give merits to my frens, coursemates... since i got extra in hand... Now... question came... am i in the RIGHT or WRONG?

Some say RIGHT. Wat i did just saved a few ppl from expelling out of k17. I gained a few frens. Some say WRONG, especially my boss, or other fellow students tat arent my coursemate. Wat i did was unfair to those who attended on time. My liability is questionable. And its my responsibility to make sure the merit only goes to those tat contribute to the college.

What if i dont give the merits... I lose coursemates frens, but gained the respect and credibility from fellow MTM and defended my responsibility... So... which is RIGHT and WRONG?

This small matter will reflect how u handle the same tough decision in larger scale. What if this is your career, u are the manager... Your best fren is ur colleague but a slacker... He claims more expenditure than he should... What wil u do? Its a similar people and business question...

Both parties need to be understanding of each person's different status and responsibility... Of course allow exception if u are at the top... Network n people is always the main criteria for a person's success... even as a leader... If u are too stern on every decision, losing frens is like losing ur legs... u cant go anywhere without ur legs...

So... What's RIGHT and what's WRONG?


Sin Yee a.k.a Michelle said...

right and wrong is just a matter of perspective...

Seeing things from different point of view will of course lead you to different conclusion and the same thing goes for right and wrong...

For me, as long as we are true to ourselves, didn't do anything RIGHT or WRONG that bring harms to ppl, it's good enough alrdy... =)

Sometimes, we just need to learn how to "look"

J-Co said...

There'll never a perfect solution to any matter, but the most apt cn minimize the loss.

Every act, either right or wrong lead to another possibility and for sure u cnt fill everybody's appetite. So I'll say just do it if that's the thing tat u want.

Anyway, responsibility goes to self when decision is made. Then its matter of self perception only.

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